About Us

SUBAH  Hospital is located in Haldwani, a city in foothills of Kumaon region of Uttarakahnd state. Being entry and exit point of peoples of inner hills, Haldwani is preferred first place for patient to receive tertiary level treatment.

Our hospital has excellence in Cardiology with state of art equipments and renowned cardiologist Dr Y. M. Bahuguna. We are serving cardiac patients with different procedures and patients has benefitted by receiving treatment at their vicinity rather than going far to Delhi or other places.

As many cardiac patients also suffers from other illnesses, our hospital is  fully equipped with Modular Operation Theater, ICU care, and team of Specialist and Super specialist doctors.

Primary prevention promoted by our dedicated team of skilled staffs by in-hospital counseling and health camps at local and remote areas.

Our aim is Quality and Transparency in healthcare delivery.